Saturday, December 13, 2008

applesauce chocolate chip cake By: Kitty J.

Another personal and a season favorite... I can still picture my mom heating up a piece and enjoying it by the Christmas tree. Mom come hear up a piece for me will you? MUAH

In a large sauce pan heat up for a few minutes
1 25oz jar (2 1/2c) unsweetened applesauce
3/4c butter
2c sugar
let cool completely!!! (Or you will melt the chocolate chips and it looks pretty gross)
Mix dry ingredients
3c flour
1/2tsp salt
4tsp baking soda
1tsp cinnamon
1/2tsp nutmeg
1/4tsp cloves
12oz chocolate chips
once applesauce is cool mix all ingredients together
In two large well greased pans bake for 1 hour at 325
make a simple frosting from powdered sugar butter and milk and drizzle over cake when cool down and serve
I prefer to heat up my cake melting the chocolate chips before I eat it with a really cold glass of milk... enjoy!

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